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The Two Parties are NOT the same.

Thinking about the differences between the Dems and the Trump. Trump is promising "America First" jingoism without delivering anything but racism, while riding the economic tide of his predecessor. Consider what the Dems have been DEMANDED to fix. 1) Healthcare for all Americans 2) Student loan relief 3) A workable immigration solution 4) $15 min. wage and/or guaranteed income 5) Incremental gun regulation 6) Protecting the environment 7) Iran nuclear treaty 8) Thwarting Russian election interference 9) Reparations 10) Lowering taxes for middle class 11) Raising taxes for the 1% 12) Improving K-12 education 13) Rolling back Citizens United 14) Protecting Roe v. Wade 15) A satisfying DC Cinematic Universe (why not?) It's perfectly fine to be in your feelings if you are upset that this country is so f*cked that your particular issue is not being trumpeted by all (or any) of the Democratic primary candidates. It's even OK if you feel that the cur
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So it's a MAJOR night for some of my faves. Missy. DID. the DAMN. THANG. Side note: Describe J Lo's performance from last year. Can't do it? Thass what I thought. NikkiFree Wiggins  said she will have floor seats if Missy goes on tour. Hell, I wanna be the dude pulling her off stage on the wheeled transport for costume changes. Note to camera operators. When you have a BUILDING FULL of people singing Missy lyrics word for word, DO NOT WASTE CUTS to Taylor Swift's poseur azz shimmying her narrow shoulders in a jacket designed to be editorial. Ma'am, you don't deserve to be featured if you're not a fan. And certainly not multiple times. And CERTAINLYcertainly not in an extended take that took precious seconds from my Missy stanning during Lose Control. Also: Put your tongue back in your mouf, Swift. Back to Missy... Am I the only one who thought that they built the entire VMA set specifically to highlight Missy? That was DAMN-ed impressive. FRfr. I m

On Popeye's, Distractions, and Miscellaneous Foolishness

Thought Experiment: WHAT IF it were as easy to vote as it is (comparatively) to get a chicken sammich? I don't need a voter ID to get a chicken sammich. I can get a sammich seven days a week... until 10 PM. (I mean THEORETICALLY... if they weren't always selling out... but you know what I mean... MOVING ON...) I don't have to wait at the DMV to register for my sammich. I don't have to travel hours out of my way to fill out sammich paperwork because the state legislators closed 80% of the Popeye's near Black folks. The Secretary of State isn't shutting down my Popeyes... Or stealing the power cords for the toasters. I have to vote once or twice a year... Most folks try to eat every day. I don't have any concerns that Russian agents are hacking my sammich. As it happens, I vote in EVERY election. And post about voting in every election... and post about registering before the registration deadline. I also post about supporting Black businesses.

Green Book? Nah, Son.

My last Green Book post... Maybe. I was considering all the backlash over the #BrownBook win and feeling pretty good about myself when I realized one of the most glaring lies about the "racial reconciliation" message of this "well-meaning" movie. And it's a BIG lie. I'm 50 years old. Green Book is set in 1962. In other words, six years before I was born. The movie would have us believe that "Lip" Villelonga's "radical transformation" about race is a proxy for how society has changed in those 56 years. Bruh. The ACADEMY AWARDS hasn't even changed that much in the past 30 Years!!! Y'all remember the 62nd Oscars, right? (No you don't). 1989 was a year when movies like Glory, and Field of Dreams, and Born on the Fourth of July (which rewarded Oliver Stone as Best Director), and Dead Poet's Society, and a LOT of really good movies were released. Google it. You won't BELIEVE how

The Rapper, The Boxer and the Italian Brand

An Italian Brand (you know the name) came under fire for a horrifically racist balaclava sweater that features dark black wool with oversized deep red lips on a collar designed to cover the lower face. It immediately drew comparisons to blackface and other nakedly racist tropes from America's (supposed) past. Calls for boycotts emerged instantly. But not everyone was on board. To wit, one of the most conspicuous consumers EVER, Floyd Mayweather pushed back in a major way AND spent hundreds of thousands on items at the offender's store. Rapper T.I. came out with a blistering diss record that prompted a second (ghostwritten) reply. In it he references some of the other brands in the corporate group that owns the Italian brand. Further, the reply critiques the boycott for its length and lack of "planning." I don't see how mentioning the corporate group has anything to do with this. Are we to understand that because they are in a corporate group (with "competin

Kaepernick's Victory and the Folks Who Aren't Having It.

Kaep sat (then knelt) to call attention to the issue of state-sanctioned, anti-Black violence. Others joined him for a time. Other pros from other sports... even high school kids. That kept the issue as headline news EVERY WEEK. Even after it was purposely twisted into being about military "disrespect" yadda yadda, the media had countless stories about his protest and his stated rationale. Then, he lost his NFL platform. And Kaep shifted his focus to donating his OWN money t o programs to impact Black youth in a positive way. The NFL boycott kept Kaep in social media heat as plenty of folks kept talking about how suss the NFL was in not hiring him while hella scrubs got contracts. Nike got on board and elevated his platform AGAIN. By this time, there was a third shift away from his initial protest, as focused turned to the injustice against Kaep for taking a stand (what was that stand against again???). All the while, Kaep is funding his foundation and its initiatives
Kavanaugh helped Ken Starr convince the House to impeach Clinton... for LYING UNDER OATH. #BKsLiesAreOnTape Eff the FBI. This is the message that Collins and Murkowski and Flake should hear. He lied on Thursday... about issues great and small. Clinton lied about what sexual relations are... Kavanaugh lied about what two different sex acts are. Clinton's lies disparaged a young woman. Kavanaugh's lies smeared Renate Schroeder Dolphin. Clinton skirted obstruction. Kavanaugh danced around an FBI investigation. Clinton lost the right to practice law because he perjured himself. The GOP wants to elevate Kavanaugh to the nation's highest court. I don't like Kavanaugh. He's shown himself to be mewling, intemperate, evasive, entitled, and completely lacking in self-awareness. His performance on the stand was nakedly partisan, filled with political attacks and exasperated disrespect toward the Democratic S